Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Minus Ish Last night.

Okay so we got lucky and the forcasted 30 MPH winds stayed away so it actually only felt like the -30 that it actually was last night, whew! Nothing like trying to heat a house when its 30 below with 30 MPH winds, so we avoided that anyway.

We have one of those indoor outdoor digital thermometers sitting on the shelf next to the kitchen sink. When I looked at it this morning before work it really sunk in how cold it was, 72 degrees at the kitchen sink (its right above a heat register) and -30 outside, hey its 102 degrees warmer on this side of the kitchen wall than on the other side of the kitchen wall! 102 degrees! "hey everyone get up and get on the swim suits its 102 degrees warmer in the house than outside! Okay all kidding aside imagine this scenario in the summer when its 80 degrees outside, it would be 180 in the house, think of the energy savings potential, "hey honey grab the venison roast from the freezer we can dry some jerky right here in the house, we don't even need the dehydrator"..... okay that is a little silly but even a cool fall day would be say 40 outside and 140 inside, does it even get to 140 anywhere on the earth on a given day? I guess I will have to google that one when I am done posting this.

Oh by the way fish 1 fisherman 0. No fish through the ice yesterday...... but we did fry up some BlueGills from last summer so I guess that's almost as good.

A gal from work just walked in to tell us a good joke. God was telling some angles about this beautiful place he was going to create called Minnesota it will have pristine lakes and rivers, thick pine woods, beautiful ponds and swamps with an abundance of wildlife....... wow the angles said everyone will want to live there...... then God said wait until you see what I have planned for them in winter!


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