Saturday, October 10, 2009

SNO....ooooooh NO!

Okay so 21 days ago the water was 75 degrees, the air was 84 degrees and I was swimming! This is not funny! Oct 10th is way too early for snow on the ground. With the warm September the leaves haven't even fully changed and fallen. It looks a little weird with the snow and so many bright fall colors. Last night it was 21 degrees and the night before 25..... winter here we come.... Take care and stay warm.
Oh I guess I better get the dock out soon :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

More rain

Okay ever since I mentioned the baby Loon taking off I have seen it tons! So I guess he/she is still here enjoying Gilmore. It was almost like "hey you mister, I am still here". It has been fishing in front of our house almost all day the last two days..... sheeesh I am sorry little Loon buddy, you stay here as long as you like, besides we love watching you, just remember you need to take off before the lake freezes.....

It has been raining off and on since Friday morning, and much cooler. Highs in the 40's lows in the 30's. It feels colder with the rain and clouds. Oh well it is October! Still hoping we see some more warm days before winter.

Hopefully I can get some pics of the fall colors before the wind blows all the leaves off the trees.

Take care.


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today we are getting much needed rain. It has been cold windy and raining off and on all day. I know we need the rain but it sure makes it feel colder out. I finally broke down and turned on the heat this morning, it was 59 degrees in the house. I hope to fire up the wood boiler tonight. The heating season begins! Hopefully the wood pile will last until spring.
