Friday, April 2, 2010

Ice Free!

Lake Gilmore Iced out today! So lets see December 5th to April 2nd that's 117 ice covered days. so lets compare that with last year. Last year Gilmore froze over on November 20th and iced out on April 24th and that was 154 days so that's a difference in 37 days! Wow! That's over a month less time ice covered.

I wish I would have kept track of this every year I have lived on Gilmore but I do have a sense of the averages which are - freeze over has usually occurred sometime around the second week of November and ice out is usually sometime around the 15th of April.

Let the open water fishing commence!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

March 31st Start of Swimming Season?

WOW what a March. Not a flake of snow, temps way above average and lots of sun. The snow melted at historic speeds. We had 72 and 70 degree days March 30th and 31st! On Friday the 26th I saw my first Robins, Monday the 29th Deadhorse was almost all the way open and a pair of Loons was on the water. On Wednesday the 31st I heard my first Red Wing Black bird and had a pair of Hooded Merganzers on the little bit of open water in front of my house, by 8:00 that night that little bit of open water was about 300 foot of open water from shore to the ice, you could litterally watch the ice sheet melt. I will be amazed if the ice isnt all gone by tommorow.

Okay on to the swimming season. The dog was in the water and it is always a competition around here to see who is first in the lake so I jokingly told the kids that they were aced out of the "First in the Lake Title" by the dog, two of them started running for the water to be the first "crazy humans" to be in the water...... so I guess the 2010 swimming season is upon us? By the way Kaitlyn ran faster than Connel!

Take care!
