Friday, April 10, 2009

The changes in a week!

Early last week we received about 10 inches of snow! Yuck! Although I must admit it was a really pretty snow that was wet and sticky so it covered all the tress with a blanket of white that was in stark contrast to the dark and dingy greys, browns and blacks of early spring.

This week has been warmer with highs into the 40's near 50 again. The forecast for Saturday is for the lower to middle 50's so the snow in the woods and in piles about should vanish fairly quickly now. I have even seen a little green starting to appear in the lawn.

I seen my first Blue Heron of the year yesterday! (actually I saw many Blue Herons in February but that was 1850 miles SE of here, its amazing that they make that journey twice a year) It flew over County Road 40 heading towards the North. I take that as a good sign that lakes are starting to open up around here. The shore line in front of our house has thawed and frozen many times over the last few weeks. I think we had about one foot of open water yesterday. Hopefully with the sun and warm south winds forecast for this Easter weekend it will do some serious damage to the ice!

Yesterday morning the birds were really singing up a storm. The robins were almost drowning out the Cardinals and the chickadees, sparrows and nuthatches were trying hard to be heard. In the distance I could here the faint sound of a Red Winged Black Bird! The peeper frogs should be starting to emerge I cant wait to hear them.

Take care


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