Monday, November 24, 2008

Ice Tunes?

Some people have iTunes and those of us lucky enough to live on Gilmore year round had IceTunes last night. If you don't know what iTunes are see this link and I will let Wikipedia explain, but IceTunes I will explain. IceTunes is the wonderful music the lake makes as the ice forms and thickens. Sometimes its just cracks and pops other times it can be deep thunderous booms in many different tones. I love the sound of it. It reminds me of nights spent in sleeper fish houses as a kid. When the ice gets thick and the weather is very sub zero some of the big cracks actually shake our home... no surprise there since it is built into the ice ridge.

The IceTunes are not as melodious as the Loon Calls of spring and summer but still are something to enjoy to help pass the winter along.

Cloudy and 26 degrees here today with slight flurries off and on.


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