Saturday, November 22, 2008


First look at this years ice sheet. Winter does get long for me but I do enjoy the look of the lake after it has frozen over. Each year it freezes over differently. More on that some other time.....

Coyotes are today's topic. In the 12 plus years we have lived on Gilmore I have noticed that most nights of the week if you go outside about one to two hours after sunset you can hear the Coyotes yelping. I think its what gets some of the dogs around here (including mine) barking. Sometime in late August I realised that I had not herd the Coyotes lately. I started going outside in the evening intentionally to listen for them and not a single yelp...... Weird huh? I started to do a little research on Coyotes and I found out that if you have Timber Wolves in the area they will either kill the Coyotes off or the Coyotes will move off! Was this the answer? I haven't seen a Timber Wolf or heard any in the evenings so I could not be sure... Fast Forward to the morning of the second Sunday in October, we were on our way to church when we saw what I thought was a coyote crossing CO RD 40 just on the west side of CO RD 7, but was it a Coyote? Looked a little big to be. We hurried to the power line that crosses 7 just south of 40 and sure enough a Timber Wolf staring at us! To my amazement that night I herd two Wolves howling that night and the next 3 nights. I have heard them about 9 times since then. I also was lucky enough to see one coming out of the swamp between 40 and Get Around Road.

Mystery solved the Coyotes have been replaced by Wolves..... how many I wonder? I know at least 3 by hearing 3 howl from different directions. It would be interesting to take a walk through woods and swamps around here after some snow fall to find some tracks.

How will this affect the deer population around here I wonder. I wont mind if we don't have to fight to keep the deer out of the garden next summer.

Enough for today.


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